Friday, June 27, 2014

Letter #51: 6.3.14


Okay mommy, so that is the big part of my final report.  If you think of any thing else I should put in it or some other stories go right a head.  So some reason I can’t copy it so I can change the fonts and stuff.  I can only print it.  so if you want you can make it more me and fun but a nice report.  And I can send you some pic on my email to put on it.  I just might add next transfer if something happens my last transfer.  But I do have the cover page I drew it out.  it  is my Hawaiian girl and I’m working on my transfer/area/companion/and memorize page too.  That goes at the end.  And also at the end I will have to add my personal info like email, phone #, facebook, and address etc.

But thank you so much mommy for helping me with it.  I’m trying to get as much as possible done before my last transfer.  I have been with and seen too many missionaries on their last transfer busy and putting it off to the last week or so to get it done then they get too trunky cause they have to be thinking about it.  So right now for me I’m mostly finished with it and all this does not feel real that I only have 7 weeks just about.  so my last transfer I can stay with the work.

Love you my best friend mommy

Letter #50: 6.2.14

Dear Ohana,

So today is an awesome day.  it’s a beautiful and sunny Monday.  So for P-Day we are at Zion’s Camp watching 17 miracles.  The faith that they had to get to Zion to have all the temple blessings.  To see that they gave up everything.  I am more so greatful to all of them.  I’m now seeing all the miracles and blessing that I have from my family.  Thank you so much!!!  So I wanted to tell you about something that have just happened right after I finished emailing.  So I went to print out the mission newsletter and calender.  It’s 10 cents a page so had a total of 30 cents to pay.  Well right when I put 30 cents into the printer as my papers were printing there was about $20 in coins that came flowing out.  Two hands full of money.  The thought that was going through my mind was to just take it...But then, I know it was the spirit telling me to give it to the front desk and tell them that I printed my paper and all this money came out.  She asked me are you sure it’s not your change.  I told her no I only had to pay 30 cents and that’s what I put in.  Then all of this came out as it’s printing.  I did not think much about what I did.  I just knew it was the right thing to do.  But then there was this lady who I met right when I was emailing.  She is not a memeber but some sister missionaries helped her move last transfer.  So she was checking out a book at the time.  I gave all the money to the worker.  As I was sitting down waiting for my companion she came up to tell me, “It’s nice to see young honest people.  If it was anyone else they would have just taken the money.”  Then she thanked me for that and that she saw it.  I did not realize that anyone was payng attention to me when I gave all the money back.  And the lady also said that she needed to see the good in the people now a days.  I do hope it changed her and more so that she will be more honest.  I am so happy and more so because they can see I was a missionary with my name tag.  To represent Jesus Christ.  All of us missionaries are so nice to the lady library worker.  It’s funny cause we are always the first one’s there right waiting outside when they open up on Monday mornings at 11:00.  We always come in and always have a smile and say good morning and ask them how is their day going so far and as we leave we always thank them.  All of them are also not members too.  Well I just got to say that I am so very greatful to that lady who was watching me.  I would not even have noticed what I had done.  I would have just gone on my day.  There must be so many things that we do everyday and we don’t even recognize it.  Watching the movie is so sad to see all what they went through.  The pain, their faith is so strong trying to go to zion.  It will all be worth it.  Man!  I love this gospel.

Love always with love and aloha Sis Casey

PS just wanted to have fun with my letter, I hope you guys had fun reading it too.

Okay, sorry more being added from my studys in D-comp.  Well to start off will be in (Exodus 20:19) it’s talking about the Ten Commandments.  Well vs. 19 sounds like the people could have talked to God face to face, but they tell Moses to go talk to God.  We could have gotten more commandments.  So I was thinking about who would ever turn down an opportunity to talk to God face to face or why?  Well because those who would be uncomfortable... so unworthy.  My PB talks about being or having confidence in the the presence of God.  And tells me what I have to do, to get to that point.  So I asked myself if I was able to talk to God right now face to face, could I?  I think yes.  Yes, I have to work on so much more also.  I always want to be ready.  So I will not miss the opportunity or turn it down.

So I’m reading all the conference talks and every week the mission is told a talk to read and then we share it on conf call every Sunday.  Well this week one is Elder L. Tom Perry’s “Obedience through our faithfulness.”  I love the stories about or from his grandfather about obedience and the horses.  I love how he said “:doing the right thing is to be obedient and follow the drivers lead.”  And about the gentle tug.  (the small voice)  As I am reading I’m thinking back into my life.  How for YW obedience to my parents was so hard to do and took the longest too.  And then I was thinking about if I had a gentle tug....And many stories came to my mind.  One was when I was in the movies with Hannah and how they wanted to leave to go to an R movie and I just stayed.  Or that time when I was sleeping over Hannah’s and I called for you guys to pick me up cause her dad and grandpa was all drinking with these friends.  I know I have had that gentle tug all in my life.  Then the important faith is.  When I went to the temple I’ve been studying the law of the gospel.  And I just love how every thing I read talks about the law of the gospel.  And now sacrifice and to have your faith tested.  Just like Abrahanm.  I know that I still have a very big sacrifice to do.  I do know everything I went through was a sacrifice getting me ready for my big one.  I see the house fire as one.  It was a very big testing of  my faith and sacrifice to have nothing.  It just made me stronger.  And all what Helam had to go through growing up as he had and was sick all the time...but I got to see the power of the priesthood on earth and gained a testimony of it.  I do know all what Helam had to go through was to make me stronger together with my ohana and with the gospel to help me when the house burned up.  I am very greatful for my family.  Thank you for all your examples on helping me to be a stronger daughter of my Heavenly Father and what he wants me to be.  I love you all so very much, Well it’sbed time.  Got to go

MAHALO!  Always your missionary

“I pray because I can’t help myself...I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping.  It doesn’t change God.  It changes ME”  C.S. Lewis